Travertin Rotwein Trocken


Enjoying local food and wine is an essential part of my travel experience.  With a driving need, I seek it out.  In some cases I’ll miss the big tourist attraction just to find that special local flavor.  When thinking of where you will find exciting local delicacies major cities like Paris, Rome, and Barcelona come to mind.  You definitely don’t think you’re going to learn and come across a treasure trove of local food and wine in Stuttgart Germany! But, to my great pleasure, I did!  Stuttgart is in the wine region and luckily for me this is Germany’s red wine region!  It was in Stuttgart that I paired this lovely local wine with a hearty and traditional German pork dish. The wine and the food was delicious!!!

Besides being from the wine region, this wine held another special local secret – Dornfelder.  Dornfelder, which was actually made in the Württemberg region in 1955 and is named after the founder of the wine school where the grape was created.  It is a dark skinned grape that is used in red wine and helps add a deeper red color to the wine.

Travertin Rotwein Trocken

🍇 Lemberger, Spätburgunder, Dornfelder
🥴 13.5 % APV
📆 Aging in Oak Barrels
📍 Württemberg, Germany
👀 Pale Pink
👃 Strawberry and Cherry
🍷 light tannins, higher yet balanced acid and dry
⏳ I would drink it now
💰 10 euros
📝 This properly reflected what I think of when I think of German reds, it was lean, fresh and delicious.

Travertin is interestingly named after the stone Travertine.  Travertine forms around mineral spring deposits, and there is a large amount of this stone in the wine region this wine hails from.


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