An Observation on why we (I) take those annoying foodie pictures


An observation that new travelling partners often have of me, is that I take a lot of food and wine pictures.  When I started this blog, many a past travel companion had noted that I could finally do something with “all of those pictures that you take.”  I’ve read many a mocking or sarcastic post about people like me on Facebook and the internet, several from close friends.  Many of them blame the Instagram and blog culture for not being able to pick up their fork without the perfect Insta-worthy picture first.  Many of my dining partners have had to wait until I got photos of our food or wine (here’s to all my dedicated peeps who tolerate and love me for this).  Have sat patiently without outward judgement as I insist on taking a picture of the wine bottle.  High-end Sommeliers and many a tasting room host has become numb to all of us with our cameras insisting on pictures.  “Don’t people know how to just eat, or drink, or enjoy their food?”  Many a critic asks.

I do enjoy my food.  I do enjoy being in the moment.  But, I also have a horrible memory.  I can’t do research or go look for where to find something I thought was amazing without some sort of notes.  I need pictures to supplant the limitations of my ostrich like memory.  And, who wants to read a blog without pictures?

Drinking wine and pairing it with amazing food is a true passion for me.  A way of learning about and studying the world’s cultures.  For this reason, I am happy to fall into the category of those that are annoying picture takers.  I am happy to bear the criticism.  Because, without it I’d never be able to find the wine I had the night before that I loved so much.  I’d never remember all of the wines I had in a sitting and which was my favorite.  And, I really wouldn’t have the content for this blog that I am enjoying writing so much.  I certainly wouldn’t have pictures like the one above that remind me of a near perfect day in Palm Springs enjoying an epic brunch with my sister, cousins, and Lord Indy.  I had just moved home from the UK, had my heart broken and experienced yet another Christmas without my mom.  This picture with its fancy cocktails and delicious Bloody Mary, reminds me of the house we rented that Christmas and NYE, the pool we sat next to, and how much I was happy to be home, living in California, with warm sun on my skin, a fancy cocktail in my hand, Indy at my feet and those that I loved and that loved me all around.  With all of that in mind, snap away my fellow foodies.  Snap away.


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